Friday, March 27, 2015

Did you know that the average consumption of pasta in Italy is 25 kg (About 50 lbs) per person per year?

Ciao Travelers!

Everyone knows Italy to be romantic, and my name shows this. You will be surprised to know that even my friends don't know the extent of my romantic full name. My name is indeed Costanza, which according to our favorite site "Wikipedia", its root is derived from the Latin last name "Constans." This means "constant...tough," and is understood by Christians as "firm in faith". 

As you can read from my Bio I am in fact an International Student from Italy currently studying Business in New York City.
Ever since I moved to the States, I have often been asked by my peers about tips on how to travel in Italy. Therefore, I have decided to create this blog in which I will give my fellow travelers tips on how to maximize the Italian adventure at an affordable price (AKA College Student budget).

But now, let me prove you that I am "Made in Italy".
I come from a small city called Trieste, which shares a border with Slovenia. This location makes Trieste the North East gate of entrance to Italy. As a matter of fact, Trieste is the city where our trip will start from. Yes, you read it right:our trip!!!

Thus, my blog will be a trip around Italy. Starting from the North traveling towards the South, each post will cover a different city. For every city I will recommend a place where to stay, tips on what you can not miss visiting, and the best restaurants. I'll tell you which restaurants have the best dining experience and how you can taste real Italian flavor that offers the best price and quality.
Now, before we get started I have to warn you that this trip will require a lot of energy and will not give you time to be a sleeping beauty.
But don't worry, I also have a remedy for this aspect. As a matter of fact, in order to keep up with being a busy New Yorker, and to fight the jet lag I always get when I travel, I have a magic potion: Espresso!!! A cup of real Italian Espresso will be necessary every morning to give you that extra kick, and start the day in the most energetic and Italian of ways! 

Did I get you excited enough?
Well, let me get you in the mood by sharing with you one of my favorite Italian songs.
The music video below is called "Rotolando Verso Sud", which translation is: "Rolling Toward The South", written by an Italian pop band called Negrita.

Enjoy the video, and I'll see you at the next post in Trieste!


  1. I like your blog already :) Can't wait to see future posts because I do plan to go to Italy <3

  2. Conny,

    Love your blog. You seem like a trustworthy Italian who knows the goodies around town. Can't wait to hear more!


  3. Really well done! Very interesting!! Love it!

    1. Thank you Virginia. Stay Tuned for more interesting things about Italy!

  4. Conny, I love the blog! I can't wait to learn more Italian!
